КГУ “Общеобразовательная средняя школа-гимназия №11” г.Актобе

English teachers: Dzhuldambaeva F.B., Daulenova N.A.

Creating projects in the form of presentations is an integral part of students ‘ independent work. Creating presentations increases the information culture of students, their motivation and self-esteem. With the help of the presentations, the students have opportunities to build their speech logically  and coherently, to express their thoughts quite fully and correctly in terms of language. In these presentations, students of the 7th grade talked about their favorite writers, which shows a great interest in reading and learning English.


Адрес: РК, Актюбинская обл., г. Актобе. ул. Айтеке би, 35 Телефон: 8 (7132) 460-508 Е-mail: akschoоl11@mail.ru